About Me

"We are surrounded by things, we are involved with them. We speak to things and things speak to us. To say we are independent is banal. Let us be courageous, let's admit it : we are lovers".

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Pulling away from old photographs.

It’s been a hard decision but after long thought I have decided I will put the old photos away to rest. For many years now I have been particularly interested in jewellery and sentimental values that are usually associated with jewellery. I have looked into and collected many objects like hair jewellery, tintypes- Daguerreotype and glass negatives but most of all the Locket (LOVE). I am drawn to these objects and will no dought keep collecting them for many more years to come, there is something quite beautiful about a worn photograph, the detail, the expressions, the darkness.

I stumbled across the amazing jewellery of Bettina Speckner who I feel has really captured the essence of these objects, her work is stunning, dark and other worldly, something I was always trying to achieve, yet somehow feel I always missed the mark a bit.

Coming across her work I was delighted, but also felt that rush of wretchedness that someone else was using old photographs and found objects in a similar manor to me. I have learned that sometimes rather than press on with the fear of people thinking “Well Shauna is just copying” that I will move onto something else.

Really, I have exhausted my journey of the sentimental, and it is time to take a new path. I have had to take a step back, deep breaths and long walks to really find what it is. That thing…..

Saying all of this... i may find the path may lead me back to the photo once again? Who knows.